BIO: Marta Fernández Guardado.
Marta Fernández Guardado is a Spanish architectural designer, researcher, and educator based in Berlin. For seven years, she worked as a project architect at June14 Meyer-Grohbrügge & Chermayeff and Sam Chermayeff Office, developing furniture, interiors, and buildings, such as the housing building Kurfürstenstraße 142 in Berlin. She has taught at DIA Dessau, ETH Zürich, and TU Berlin, where she currently works as a lecturer and researcher. Since 2019, Marta is a doctoral candidate at the HafenCity University Hamburg, a participant in Program for Design-Based Doctorates PEP at the TU Berlin, and a member of the Community for Artistic and Architectural Research CA2RE, where she conducts her design-based research “Home: Things & Bodies”, a thing-based exploration into personal space and the core of her independent current practice.
ABSTRACT: “Home: Things & Bodies: A Thing-Based Exploration into Personal Space.”
We live among, together, within, and through things. Building on this idea, from a phenomenological perspective (which conceives the relationship of the body we inhabit with other bodies and things as defining and transforming the experience of home) and following new material approaches (based on the relationships between more-than-humans and their agencies), I intend to formulate a thing-based conceptual and methodological tool for the identification and consolidation of the personal experience of inhabitation, so it can be celebrated and shared. By working with objects, things, bodies, encounters, associations, matters, flows, and all kinds of stuff, I aim to strengthen inhabitants' engagement with space and activate their agency to transform home—in a time when it has become clear that there are less reasons to build and more reasons to make better use and enjoyment of what we already have.